Demythifying is two BFF's teaching each other about mythology, history and going off on tangents and DeMyth turns the page where we interview authors about their books.
163 episodes
DeMyth turns the page again with Grace Curtis
Lauren NEEDED to talk to Grace Curtis again as she does a genre shift from Sci-Fi to full on fantasy.Find out which historical periods influenced the novel and what Grace and Lauren both find sexy about the Roman Empire. Listen to them n...

Demythifying The Other Ancient Civilisations with @digitwithraven
We all know the Greeks and Romans... but how many other Ancient Cultures and Civilisations are you unaware even existed?This episode Lauren is joined by Raven Todd DaSilva aka @digitwithraven to scrape the surface of a few of the ones in...

DeMyth Turns the Page again with Lauren J A Bear
Lauren is rejoined by Lauren J A Bear to talk about her ressurection of Rhea Silva. This a new character to welcome into the incredible world of the feminist retelling and Lauren was so here for her. They discuss how Lauren used art...

DeMyth Turns The Page with A S Webb
No Zeus Boys!Lauren is joined by Alex aka A S Webb to talk about Daughter of Chaos - the first in a Greek Myth inspired fantasy trilogy.They deep dive into the plot, talk about positive benefits to modern retellings and which item...

DeMyth Turns the Page with Olivia Isaac-Henry
Travel to the spooky town of Sorrow Spring with Lauren as she talks to author Olivia Isaac-Henry to prolong spooky season into November. Lauren learns all about Saint Kenelm and discusses themes of isolation, mistrust and the blend of religion ...

Third Time's a Charm to Turn the Page with Jennifer Saint
Jennifer Saint becomes the first guest to appear on the podcast a whopping THREE TIMES.Always a beautifully insightful and charming guest, we discuss her latest offering, HERA. As with her previous novels, we are sure you will love this...

Demyth Turns the Page with Helen Elizabeth
Lauren and Charlotte leave Orca Cove and travel to the Enchanted Vale with this weeks special guests... sister writing duo Helen Elizabeth. Getting into book one of the Beasts of the Briar series they learn about the experience of going from in...
Season 2

DeMyth Turns the Page with Hannah Lynn (Part 2)
In the second of our back to back two parter, Lauren talks to Hannah Lynn about her novel Daughters of Olympus, to celebrate it's release last week.They discuss taking shots with Helios to get all the good gossip, why Poseidon is the ac...

DeMyth Turns the Page with Hannah Lynn (Part 1)
This week is a Demyth FIRST. The first of a back to back two parter conversation that Lauren has with Hannah Lynn.Lauren discusses three of Hannah's first books with her, Athena's Child, A Spartan's Sorrow and Queens of Themiscyra. This...

DeMyth Turns the Page with Costanza Casati (Again)
Our friend Costanza Casati joins us in today's episode to chat all about her latest book Babylonia, which is out today!Semiramis is a fierce woman not to be underestimated in this thrilling tale of a woman clawing her way to power. We d...

Demythifying x Professor Michael Scott
Lauren and Charlotte live their childhood Indiana Jones dreams talking to Professor Michael Scott in today's episode. Discussing his latest publication 'X Marks the Spot' as well as the payment systems in place for the Oracle at Delphi.

DeMyth Turns the Page with Rosalie M. Lin
Join Lauren in this week's episode as she discusses 1930s Shanghai glamour with Rosalie M. Lin and her book Daughter of Calamity. Delving into Chinese mythology, the important meaning of names and whether or not all hobbies need to have a...

DeMyth Turns the Page with Sarah A Parker
Join Lauren as she speaks to Fantasy writer Sarah A Parker about her book When The Moon Hatched. To say Lauren enjoyed this book is an understatement. A high fantasy with romance, a quest and DRAGONS? Sign her up!Follow Sarah on socials...

Demyth Turns the Page With Laura Purcell
Happy Furry Friday!Lauren's been itching to get Laura Purcell on the podcast for ages so when she and Charlotte were able to get their teeth into her new book Moonstone they were absolutely howling with joy.Get your moonstone necklace a...

Demythifying Talks Gilgamesh with Sophus Helle
This episode Charlotte and Lauren talk to Sophus Helle about his Epic of Gilgamesh translation. They shout out his girlfriend Aya for inspiring some ideas in him about masculinity in Gilgamesh, they talk about if Gilgamesh is actually an epic a...
Season 1

DeMyth Turns the Page With Tom Vaughan
Lauren and Charlotte delve into Hercules the diary of a sort of hero with author Tom Vaughan. This book was Waterstones childrens book of the month for March 2024 (so well done Tom). They tangent about a group love for Adrian Mole and why the d...

DeMyth Turns the Page With Subhadra Das
Charlotte and Lauren get Uncivilized with Subhadra Das... the writer of Uncivilized, ten lies that shaped the west. We get into race science, which book to read if you want to look cool in public, Shakespeare actually wrote Shakespeare, art and...
Season 2

Demythifying x Julia Kindt
Julia Kindt, Professor at University of Sydney, joins Charlotte to talk all things Delphi and her new book The Trojan Horse. In The Trojan Horse, Julia delves into what makes us human and what sets us apart from creatures. The two ...

DeMyth Turns the Page with Rosie Hewlett
The delightful Rosie Hewlett joins the Demyth ladies to discuss one of their faves, Medea. Rosie's book starts with Medea's childhood and carries us through her life. Jason makes an appearance or two and Rosie makes Lauren and Char...

DTTP x Zairambles
For the first episode since the turn of 2024, Charlotte meets with content creator and actor Zairambles to discuss African mythology inspired books you must read, K-dramas and not being able to binge the new Percy Jackson episodes.The t...

DeMyth Turns the Page with Stacey Thomas
We sat down with friend to the podcast Stacey Thomas to discuss her book The Revels. A perfect mix of historical and magic, grab a warm drink and cuddle up this spooky season to read Nicolas Pearce and Judge Percival catch some witches....

DeMyth Turns the Page with Nikki Marmery
Here at Demyth HQ we were SO EXCITED for this book. Nikki Marmery joins us to talk all things Lilith, one of our favourite characters in myth and popular culture. This feminist retelling is a must read, involving all your favourite biblical cha...

DeMyth Talks Aspasia With Yvonne Korshak
Charlotte and Lauren travel back to the Golden Age of Athens with Yvonne Korshak to Demythify Aspasia in honour of Yvonne's book Pericles and Aspasia. They learn about what we actually know about the woman herself, why the comic playwrites and ...

DeMyth Turns the Page With Lauren J A Bear
Happy Medusa Monday... except this episode Lauren and Charlotte are setting up the "Not Medusa" whatsapp group and talking to Lauren J A Bear about her debut novel Medusa's sisters. Lauren talks about how she created the characters, how she wea...