Demythifying is two BFF's teaching each other about mythology, history and going off on tangents and DeMyth turns the page where we interview authors about their books.
DeMyth Turns the Page with Stacey Thomas
We sat down with friend to the podcast Stacey Thomas to discuss her book The Revels. A perfect mix of historical and magic, grab a warm drink and cuddle up this spooky season to read Nicolas Pearce and Judge Percival catch some witches.
Obvs we needed a Shag, Marry, Kill but we also ask Stacey who would be in her coven. Let us know if you agree with our choices.
Follow Stacey on socials;
Instagram: @Staceythomaswrites
Twitter/X: @Staceyv_thomas
Tiktok@ @staceythomaswrites